The policy sets out how we at ICM must act as a company to maintain our reputation as a competent, decent, responsible and sustainable business.
CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility.
ICM's good reputation is the most important thing for us. Everyone who trades with ICM or otherwise comes in contact with ICM shall have confidence in us, and they will only have it if our reputation is good.
Our goal is to closely follow and work for continuous improvement of our environment and reduce the environmental impact of the company's activities so that we do not risk destroying the ability of future generations to have a good life, within financial and technical capabilities.
ICM advices other companies every day in improving their working environment, and we must therefore ourselves be in control of our working environment. This is done by conduction a visible working environment policy, which aims to promote awareness of the company's impact on employees and managers.
Development in ICM shall be based on a combination of economic results and social responsibility. ICM supports the United Nations Global Compact principles and want to be a decent and responsible company that participates in community tasks and duties.